City Talk
How can Twitter be used to open conversations on creating more sustainable cities?
Engagement, Research, Communication
#CityTalk was launched by Our Future Cities and This Big City (London) , a monthly series of tweetchats on Twitter to address topics related to sustainable cities as far reaching as Urban Agriculture, Participation in Planning, Mega Events, Film and the City, Temporary Cities, Art and the City, City Hype and Liveable Cities
Our Future Cities and This Big City (London) launched #CityTalk, a monthly series of Twitter chats on sustainable city-related topics such as Urban Agriculture, Participation in Planning, Mega Events, Film and the City, Temporary Cities, Art and the City, City Hype, and Liveable Cities.The conversations frequently reached 100,000 or more individuals and were frequently co-hosted with a reputable local or international business NGO.
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Client Quotes
In partnership with This Big City: Joe Peach and Alejandro Echeverria
Collaborators included: Berkeley Group / Social Life / Transport for All / BMW Guggenheim Lab / Siemens / New Cities Foundation / Ecobici / European Cyclists’ Federation / Philips Livable Cities / City of Cape Town / Woolworths / Asia Dialogue
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