
Sea Point Library Square

How can the forecourt of a public library & community centre play a more active role in the neighbourhood?


Services: Urban Strategy and Visioning, Engagement, and Communication.

The Sea Point Library, the Civic Centre, and Ellerton Primary School form a cluster of heavily utilised public facilities that are profoundly rooted in their respective communities.

However, the public domain that exists between these facilities is at best inactive and at worst hostile, as evidenced by the unwelcoming 2-metre-high fence that defines the site's public frontage. A design competition was introduced in 2015 with the goal of reimagining what public space in Sea Point and Cape Town looks like, how it feels, and how it invites people to act.

Our Future Cities  managed the design competition, which was premised on the notion that this space can become a significant, valuable, and meaningful location in the public life of those it serves and could serve. It is anticipated that the entries will inspire a rethinking and reimagining of Cape Town's public realm and encourage others to collaborate and invest where they can to enhance urban life. A placemaking framework and research report influenced the design competition. The competition jury consisted of eight individuals, and six submissions were received.

The competition jury composed of 8 members and 6 entries were received namely :

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Client Quotes

“The design was praised for the cohesive and consistent nature of its scheme, in particular the inviting ‘grandstand’ quality of its raised berm…a confident reimagining of public places”

- Jury

Rashiq Fataar
Rouen Smit
37 Parliament Street
Church Square
Cape Town City Centre
Cape Town, 8000
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